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"Every step of the way, they were there to give me sound advice and guidance." - Maria Antonia, USRN

"Every step of the way, they were there to give me sound advice and guidance." - Maria Antonia, USRN

May 25, 2021

I joined Health Carousel/PassportUSA in 2015. The application process was a journey, I, for sure would never forget. It was a long process with a lot of procedures and particularities; however, it was made so much easier with the help of my International Deployment advisors or my IDAs, Ms. Liza and Ms. Raissa, who were the driving forces behind my successful applications. Every step of the way, they were there to give me sound advice and guidance which led me to achieve my goals. A few things I have learned throughout the process were professionalism, commitment, and faith.My message to future US Registered Nurses:I hope that my fellow Nurses would also be allowed to experience this. So, I urge them to explore all these available opportunities so when we retire, there will be no �what if�s�.

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I had Health Carousel to lead me in my journey.

I had Health Carousel to lead me in my journey.