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"Dreams do come true." - Chona, RN

"Dreams do come true." - Chona, RN

September 20, 2018

A decade ago, I dreamt to work in the United States of America but it never materialized due to the recession and believed it was not my time. Hence, I worked and honed my skills as a nurse timelessly. I breathe and enjoyed taking care of my patients, friends, and family.Three years ago, I came across Health Carousel and decided to become part of their family to once again work on my American dream. They made the process easy and less stressful. Moreover, they were patient and accommodating. I appreciated the time and effort of my IDA’s had invested in me especially Ms. Karen, Ms. Roda, and Ms. Kimberly.

Without Health Carousel, this dream would not be possible. To all nurses, keep on dreaming and never give up. Dreams do come true. Thank you Health Carousel!!!

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