For me, the whole process with the help of both Health Carousel and Innovphil made it so smooth and worry-free. I guarantee that it made me trust them so much where I can truly say they�re one of the best in their field. Very incomparable and genuine.The Beginning of My NCLEX JourneyWay back in June 2019 when I first saw this Facebook ad of Health Carousel Philippines Incorporated regarding their services offered, I was deeply amazed at their assistance to my fellow nurses who are now working abroad by just reading their testimonies and examples that with awe moved me to be part of it. The moment I scheduled my face-to-face interview with them, gave me the feeling of something to look forward to for a brighter future. Everything was explained to me accordingly, let�s just say, I was thrilled with the idea of pursuing my American Dream that aims me for more. Without hesitation, I gave my very best from the first-ever face-to-face interview, contract signing, evaluative exam, and more module exams.The whole process was not that easy cause I struggle to balance my bedside working experience as an Emergency Room Staff Nurse and my completion of these module exams from HESI Saunders but that didn�t stop me from thinking that maybe one day everything else will be worth it. For me, the whole process with the help of both Health Carousel and Innovphil made it so smooth and worry-free. I guarantee that it made me trust them so much where I can truly say they�re one of the best in their field. Very incomparable and genuine. Been tested with many circumstances but that didn�t stop me from giving out my very best even if it already concerns my health. Pure Hearts are behind my Health Carousel Family, this success wouldn�t be possible without them for their never-ending support, guidance, and belief in me that I can surpass everything life has to offer. Most special thanks to God our Father in Heaven for guiding me all throughout this journey, with the right reason, with the right purpose, and at the right time. I trust this whole process so dearly cause I believe if it�s really for you sure it will be.I�ve been in so much pain but I endured it all cause I know I have a strong support system thus God won�t let me face all these trials alone and for that, I�m really grateful and blessed existing and inspiring others with these simple words as a reminder that whatever life throws at you learn how to play and treat it fairly as for the odds will be ever in your favor. I took my NCLEX RN exam last June 02, 2021. Due to my health, and with this pandemic we�re experiencing resulted to various rescheduling of the exam finally the day had finally come which I can say is kinda just in time for me to be well prepared and just give out my very best. During the day of my NCLEX RN exam, I was quite nervous, there was even a moment I couldn�t get the instructions given to me by the test attendant cause much anxiety strikes me at moment later on I finally arrived at my senses and quietly talked to God to guide me all throughout. Whatever happens that day, I just gave my all, I lift everything to God and just cried for some reasons during the examination cause honestly, I was struggling to answer each difficult question. When I hit the end of my number 75 Question, suddenly my computer shut off and proceeded to the research questions. That made me cry so hard cause I don�t know what does it mean with the fact I was struggling to answer each question. I was the third to the last to leave the examination room, I guess it�s normal to feel kinda sad thinking I didn�t give my all but I know I was not alone. If it�s God�s will, I trust his ways no matter what happens. I�m ready to accept whatever he has planned for me. The Agony and feelings of waiting gave me much stress to think about it often but what helped me to overcome it is through prayers and singing worship songs.The day finally came when I received the news of my NCLEX RN exam result from my Advisor. Honestly, I never thought I will pass but everything is possible with God. Couldn�t thank him enough for the overflowing graces and blessings received.A Message To My Fellow NursesNever be afraid to conquer life and its challenges. Be unique enough to face life beautifully and to deal with each circumstance with great mind cause someday when it�s your time it will all be worth it. Never stop dreaming and believing in yourself.Health Carousel Philippines, Inc. assists nurses through two unique programs, Aspire and Achieve. Both programs are provided through our partnership with PassportUSA in the United States. Here are the qualifications for each program.Click here to learn more: [button link="" type="icon" color="teal" newwindow="yes"] Begin Here[/button]

"Never stop dreaming and believing in yourself." - Nurse Rowena Dominique
June 22, 2021
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